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Stanley, Karen – ELLA


This “big eared” working companion is a seasoned trial dog.

Karen Stanley is from Eagle Mountain, UT and has volunteered every year here at Soldier Hollow since 2003 and is working as one of our Course Directors this year.

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Ella is a 9-year-old Border Collie out of Don Helsley’s successful dog, Wizard. Karen wanted a Wizard puppy and when she learned he had been bred to Emil Ludeke’s Hop, she got on the list.  Lucky to get Ella, she arrived from Texas at 8 weeks old with very big ears and a big attitude as well.  She has grown into her ears and has developed as a lovely companion and working dog for Karen.

Karen previously competed successfully in obedience, agility and tracking competition but has found stockdog work to be the ultimate canine challenge. At her hobby farm in Eagle Mountain, Utah, she keeps a small flock of sheep primarily for training purposes and traveling to about ten trials a year.  Now retired, Karen is “all about the dogs,” residing in Arizona during the winter months so she can train year-round.


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