Sheepdog Competition

Our 2025 Judge

Our 2025 Set-Out Crew
Chris Jobe and Liz Stenning will be the 2024 set-out team, bringing a wealth of experience to the job. Chris is the owner and trainer of Canine Solutions, which specializes in training, trialing and breeding working border collies in southern Albertas. Border collies became an integral part of my life when I started ranching in 1994. I got my first border collie ‘Tuck’ soon after and have since devoted a good share of my time to training and working them. Liz is from Kimberly, Oregon, where she raises and trains border collies and kelpies. She actively trials and helps set out at numerous trials.

2025 Yearling Rambouillet Ewes
The Okelberry Rambouillet yearling ewes will return again this year to challenge the handler-dog teams at Soldier Hollow. Wintering over the vast lands of the Utah-Nevada “west desert,” these sheep must fend off a host of predators on open range. Every handler that has run on them has described them as being among the most challenging sheep they have faced. These yearling range ewes are individually selected for even size, condition and confirmation. They have not been worked by dog and have rarely been around people. They are “the ultimate test.” Both Brian and Ann are fifth generation sheep ranchers and we are excited to have bring their sheep back to Soldier Hollow.The result are sheep self selected for generations for their ability to survive in dangerous terrain. They are athletic, tough and very wary. One handler called them “wicked.” They are “the ultimate test.”
Competition Course and Scoring
The trial course is set to test the dog’s ability to maneuver sheep in a clam, controlled manner. There are six scored parts to a course run, each designated to test a skill that working dogs need to help a shepherd with the daily management of sheep. While the layout of the course may vary slightly from trial to trial, depending on terrain, this trial, follows this general layout as all approved trials.
On the left, is a typical scoresheet for the preliminary runs. The United States Border Collie Association (USBCHA) has adopted Judging Guidelines which are followed at all USBCHA sanctioned as well as here at Soldier Hollow.
For a description of each element of the course and the how it is scored, tap or click the button.
To see how the trial course relates to farm work, check out the video from the American Border Collie Association: “How Sheepdog Trials Relate to Practical Work,” found here.