Joe is a 9-year old Border Collie. Sandy bought Joe from Kelsey Nichols. Joe was a trained dog and loves he loves to work sheep. When her other dog, Tex, was having a problem with a testy ewe that was totally uncooperative, Joe came rushing the ewe like a dive bomber, nipping her behind. The ewe jumped in the air and Joe just stood there. All Sandy could do was laugh. Apparently, in Joe’s mind, everyone has to behave. Sandy loves his personality.
Sandy lives in Santa Rosa California. Upon retirement, Sandy and her husband moved to Santa Rosa where they bought a 144 acres ranch. They started raising sheep on which they could train their Border Collies. In 1993 Sandy and Arthur started a great adventure — putting on the amazing Sonoma County Sheepdog trial on their beautiful ranch. They rented 300 to 400 sheep every year for 30 years. Over the many years, Sandy says she has had some wonderful Border Collies that have allowed her to meet wonderful people from all over the US and Canada. “It has truly been an amazing experience.” Sandy came from a horse show background. She had a great love and respect for the horse. Now, working with the Border Collies has been a great continuation of that love and appreciation of the sport of sheep dog trialing.
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