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Glen, Jennifer – KID


“Wow, that’s a big dog” — the refrain Jenny often hears when she trials this graceful “tall dog,” Jenny’s “best friend” that goes almost everywhere she does.

Jennifer and her husband, Scott, also running here, are from Alberta, Canada.

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Kid is one of the tallest dogs trialing in North America and Jenny doesn’t think she has ever walked to the post without hearing someone say, “Wow, that’s a big dog!”  His nickname is “Tall Dog.”  He is gangly and awkward off stock but a graceful athlete as soon as he sees sheep. He is sensitive, and if he understands what Jenny is telling him, he will try his best to get it done.  He is her best friend and right hand when they are lambing, and goes almost everywhere Jenny goes.  Kid is now 5 years old and came from Ireland when he was 10 weeks old.

Jenny started in herding about 23 years ago with an instinct test for her German Shepherd.  She took classes with her shepherd but soon learned that to trial at high level, she needed a border collie and bought her first one in 2000.  She has definitely reached that higher level, having been Reserve Champion in the Calgary Stampede, Reserve Canadian Nurses Champion, and Table Top Champion. Jenny used to train animals for film and television.  She has raised seven service dogs and was a vet tech for 12 years.  She now lives in Alberta, where she is the Kennel Manager for Alta-Pete Stockdogs.

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