Bonnie was “imported” when her pregnant mother came to the US from the UK. She is out of Ricky Hutchinson’s well known dog, Jock. Karen chose Bonnie from the litter and has been thrilled with her temperament and working ability. She’s very much a team player and excellent listener. She has strong stock sense. As a young dog she was challenging to train, but a very quick learner – except when you asked her to lie down! She was difficult to stop and would not give up on a single even if it meant throwing herself in front of a runaway…which she did on many occasions. Now 6-years old, she’s matured now and a lot of fun to trial.
Karen lives in Eagle Mountain UT. She got involved in sheepdog training/competition after she went to her first trial in Meeker Colorado in 1998. She was “smitten with the relationship she saw that existed between dog and handler.” Karen bought her first Open dog and jumped into the trialing world in 2001. Her career in sales management in the electronics field kept her as a part timer in competition until she retired in 2010. She then got her first first working border collie puppy, Meg, and has been committed to the training, and it’s been all consuming ever since. One of her greatest achievements was helping Mark Petersen in 2003 start the Soldier Hollow Sheepdog Championship. Karen has volunteered at the trial every year since and is one of our Course Directors this year.