Deal, Dianne – JAZZ


Jazz is an enthusiastic dog, up for anything – work or play.  Probably needs to focus on work on her first trip to Soldier Hollow.

Diane Deal, the 2022 Silver Medalist here at Solider Hollow, is from Caldwell, Idaho.

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Jazz is a 3-year-old. smooth coated black and white female that is owned by Kelly Stich of Lincoln, Nebraska. She came into training with Dianne when she was a year old. After a few months we knew she was something special and the decision was made to trial her.  Jazz is up for anything….work or play and is enthusiastic in whatever she does. She works both cattle and sheep. She and Nan made a formidable team when they work together on the ewes and lambs.

Dianne has been competing for over  25 years. Like many others who now run border collies Dianne was also a successful horse trainer and competitor. Now still riding and climbing mountains, the Border Collies are now her focus. Dianne runs about 35 ewes for breeding – Perendales, Scotties and Kerry Hills. Diane was the 2022 Soldier Hollow Silver Medalist and is returning here with two younger dogs. Dianne offers clinics individual instruction and custom training and she often has puppies and started dogs available for sale.

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