May 23-26, 2025
Memorial Day Weekend
8am - 4pm Daily

Heber Valley, UT

Sponsor the Soldier Hollow Classic in 2025!

Click here for Opportunities

We’re live – SPONSOR A DOG!
Get Tickets, Prizes and Meet the Dogs!

Sponsor a Dog in 2025!

Be a part of the 2025 Soldier Hollow Classic by Sponsoring one of the competing dog and handler teams!

Limited to two sponsorships per dog.  Sponsorships made after May 1 will not be included in the printed material but will be announced during the event.  

   What you get:

🐾  $200 – 6 tickets, includes parking – dog randomly assigned

🐾  $300 – 8 tickets, includes parking – pick the dog of your choice

🐾  Listed in daily run, on website and scoreboard

🐾  Included in dog sponsor directory given to spectators

🐾  Meet your dog and handler – take a selfie

Sponsors of Top Dogs:

Top 3 Dog Sponsors are invited to participate in the Awards Ceremony

1st: Soldier Hollow Handlers Jacket just like the Gold Medalist handler

2nd & 3rd: Local business gift certificates (value to be determined)

Run Orders with dog sponsors are posted – click “Run Order/Scores” above. If you picked a dog, you’ll know when it runs.  Dog Sponsors will be posted with the Run Orders once all dogs are sponsored.

Pick a Specific Dog - $300
Click the Picture for Full Details on Each Dog

Select  the dog of your choice and you’ll receive 8 event tickets, including parking – good for one day only – the day of your choice..
Your name and a brief message you provide will be announced during the competition.  Enter your name and message in the checkout.

Dog sponsorships are non-refundable.  If your dog is scratched, we will try to contact you so that you can pick another dog; if we can’t reach you, we will move your sponsorship to an unsponsored dog. Hurry…   We expect to sell out quickly!

2 in stock

Bella, the dog in front and a full sister to the other dog, Ben, is an “amazingly smart dog” that never forgets what she

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Ben, Suzy’s “heart dog” is a big 60 pound dog (the big guy in the back of this picture) and has a “great combo

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Eddie takes his work seriously . . . and the sheep will take him seriously as well. Faansie Basson, a top handler from South Africa,

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Finn, the 2023 Purina Dog of the Year, is secretly a wanna be couch dog. Faansie is from South Africa where he is the seven

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Trypp, is a young dog that is a bit of a miracle.  After recovering from what could have been a career shattered back leg,

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Jess is the “goof ball” of Jame’s pack of dogs but a talented goof ball nonetheless, winning both the Open and Nursery National Cattledog

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This is one of those you dogs that you won’t be able to take your eyes off – she loves her work. James Butler comes

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A patient partner, Ben is experienced at handling western range ewes and ready to tackle them again this year. Carol is a “local,” living in

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This former farm dog from Wales has figured out what to do in the house, taking possession of all soft cushions she can find

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Bob is a kind and honest dog and back running at Soldier Hollow. Norm Close, originally from England, now lives in Viola, Idaho.

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A perfect partner and a dog that will also make you laugh, Abby will run here at Soldier Hollow for the second time. Vickie owns Farm

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Jazz is an enthusiastic dog, up for anything – work or play.  Probably needs to focus on work on her first trip to Soldier

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Nan, a “no nonsense dog” and her favorite things include sheep, food (hers and anyone else’s that she can find), and cats Diane Deal, the

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This young dog, Zade, not only runs in sheepdog trials but is featured in the book Meet Zade!: Bringing Home a New Puppy, by Milada

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Affectionately know as “Peter the Great-full,” this five year old dog come to Soldier Hollow for the first time and is first up on

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This young dog is a “complicated genius,” but also the winner of the Most Promising Dog at the 2023 National Finals. Chris is from a

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Bella, an extraordinary listener that gives 100% to her handler Mich Ferraro. Mich is equine veterinarian from Millerton, NY.